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Supported by A.I intelligence

User & Device Management

People are arguably the most valuable resource  in your business. Today, we all use technology & therefore our workstations need to work so that we can be effective and productive. Without our laptop/tablet/cellphone, most of the things we do and rely-on on a daily basis wouldn’t be there.

Cultivating Success with Ello's Advanced User & Device Management Solutions"

Ello’s User & Device Management solution is crafted to enhance your success. Through AI integration, we automatically resolve your IT issues and promptly identify device shortcomings, ensuring smooth operation. Since 2002, our team has been committed to delivering outstanding IT Support services. With highly qualified experts dedicated to each site, we offer consistent, world-class experiences without the hassle of repeatedly explaining your needs to new engineers.

Benefits Of Our Solution

Enhanced User Support and Maintenance

  • User support, maintenance & repair work

  • Full recovery of your core systems at no extra cost in the event of system failures

  • A.I 24/7 auto resolving I.T related problems in milliseconds

  • Alerts on any site instability & outages

  • Analytical & user/device specific data

Comprehensive IT Support and Maintenance Services

  • Instant technical support via phone, Ello app and/or email

  • Full DR backup management of all data

  • Full site maintenance incl. annual dust & vent cleans

  • Loan stock available to minimize disruptions

  • Ongoing quarterly I.T strategy consultations

  • Ongoing vulnerability & security assessments to keep you safe

Ello Eeva Icon
Introducing EEVA
EEVA, our AI, safeguards your confidential information across mobile networks, cloud infrastructure, and third-party storage systems.
It ensures compliance with increasing legislation and industry-specific regulations, such as those from the Financial Conduct Authority or the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, giving your company peace of mind.


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